In the event of an emergency call 911

Haddon Fire Company No. 1

Haddon Fire Company’s “Did you know… ?”

  •  We are 100% volunteer for over 253 years. This means all residents benefit by not paying an increase in taxes.
  • When the airhorns sound, on average, 15-20 men & women leave work or home for the station to get dressed and geared-up to respond to the emergency in the appropriate apparatus.
  • We train every week on Thursday nights for approximately 3 hours, sometimes more. We also have weeks where we conduct training exercises more than once to improve our skills.
  • We have established mutual aide agreements with our surrounding towns for specific emergencies so that our residents are always defended by the fastest and best available protection possible. In return, we also assist them!
  • We are always looking for residents of Haddonfield to become our next firefighters. If you think you have what it takes, stop by the station and pick-up an application.
  • Our men & women love volunteering to help others and although we are 100% volunteer, we are also 100% professional and exceptionally well trained.